The Universe

Everything in the universe has a counterpart and for every action there is a reaction, and they can be in balance or unstable. A duality that is the result of a three dimensional universe bound by mathematical relationships that give meaning to the information, which can only be changed or transformed. A permanent universe made of particles and a pressure and similar repulsion that produce a predictable rate of decadence and a tendency to balance, a performance we also know as energy, gravity and matter. A structural integrity that is true for all systems and consistent with the three parts atom, and determines the properties of the elements and a spectrum that goes from heavy to light, solid to gas, uncompromising and flexible, permanent and fleeting, slow and fast, a pace we also know as time.

Time is not a predetermine line just like space doesn’t fold, time is gravity and acceleration, a diminishing return produced by energy’s negation of space, which produces a sequence of events that increase in frequency the smaller the system. With space as the absolute the past remains fixed somewhere generating a memory, although the cause is constantly turning into the effect, it is projected to the generalization. Starting from the smaller scale time would seem to slow down until there is no point of reference, the cycles become slower and there is nothing to compare it with, big and small become one. Our energy-time awareness is a matter of scales and quality, and a performance that improves with society.

There is only a big permanent universe that changes little, yesterday and tomorrow are patterns, one, two, three, four can only have a relative relevance and reflect proportions, they don’t have an inherent value and need points of references. Time is normally restored in cycles (or statistical associations). If you stretch the information it twists, and if you twist it accelerates, if it accelerates it melts and if it melts it accelerates. A Tension determines the interaction between the demand and the capacity, meaning things tend to agglutinate and the capacity generally chases the demand losing ground, moving faster increases the time deficit.


Reaching down for and absolute and catching up with itself defines time and everything else, generating pressures and a diminished return that can produce an explosion. Energy and time are generated by a capacity-demand coefficient that shapes the information which in turn defines a quantity, producing a moment with relative and absolute speed. These are tension variations caused by structural parameters and the absolute value of pi. Horizontal is a degree of certainty, you cannot separate sideways; separation is always in an angle generating a deficit or demand, which is why movement comes at an energy cost. The error is loss of traction and energy, slipping or dismantling the information; concentrating on the wrong subject, focus becomes friction and pressure. It is the necessary contact and connections in the right areas that produce the performance, the sensors, the legs and the functions; different rhythms that through an evolution work together to produce stability, which is the objective – This produced complex individuals very light and nimble in the group. 


The tension generated between space and energy produces the agglutination and binding connections, it can result in many relationships and compromises. It generates energy cycles below certain levels where pressure remains stable, which means when not competing for essential resources but for a mutual capacity, a predisposition also known as cooperation. Above that level energy becomes uneven and the connection breaks down, the capacity reduces and the demand goes up until the system short circuits. The success of the species depends on the ability to reduce conflicts, the more effective the communications the more stable the platforms reducing the energy fluctuations and friction. Competition at that level is nothing but antagonism and corrosion.


Positive enrichment requires the relaxation that produces certainty displacing the vertical acceleration and reducing the interaction and “the cost”, which happens as the subject of repetition reaches maximum possible certainty becoming the object of repetition, although it doesn’t always produce more enrichment. These layers are defined by a pressure that generate the patterns; first they accumulate information then start disappearing as the parts become more uniform, then other layers might start forming distending the tension until it stops or collapses, going round and round in cycles. The energy cycles produce all kinds of relationships and have byproducts, excess that is eliminated; gravity which life reflects through pain when the energy lacks and the head can’t meet the tail, when the orbit strays from a destiny. It produces the articulations and absolutes, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.

The universe is naturally in focus so everything must be; a minimum common denominator corresponding to the superlative system tying everything together. Everything that can be “fixed” then is and agglutination happens within certain parameter. Without the qualitative transformation which becomes increasingly rare with the variables energy only produces a distortions of the information stretching and interrupting the cycles, unnecessary movement and erosion. This vertical limit or breaking point produces the black holes and other phenomena in smaller scale; it produces different densities and the rings of the tree, the atmospheric layers and the Earth’s strata.

The Antagonism is occurs when the action and the reaction oppose each other, which causes the capacity and demand reaction. It can generate resonance where the energy bounce out, and a cycle when there is enrichment and a qualitative step takes place. As long as there is traction the system is moving forcing the performance to adjust until energy dissipates, generating the contraction; back and forth or in circular motion. Random antagonism is the “error” or defects that life reduces through trial and error, selecting the information to improve communication and generate more certainty, concentrating resources and reducing the energy which in turn reduces the trial and error per-capita and the speed of the processes, which also means friction is going down making it progressively more loosely connected too, so the moment starts coming around.

Quality is traction, a change or movement caused by isolating the repetition and displacing the ambiguities (outside), definition determined by a trajectory and a historical development, which is why information stays together and things upright, and why the bigger the concentration of energy the higher the tension that makes things move and spin, and the lower the concentration the larger the volume (needed for stability). Everything in the universe is then caught in a balance between precision and a momentum, context and friction, between the smallest point and the whole, a compact positive and a fluid negative, mass and energy, setting up the structural layers and agglutinating patterns. Everything becomes a dot of a larger system and a whole of another located by a history and itself caught between its smallest and largest parameters, its properties and priorities. Movement reconciles the need for focus and precision, for minimum certainty, it’s the compromise that yields the dominant and recessive and sets up multiplication patterns, proportions, growth and bonding.

The behavior of a geometric sequence depends on a common ratio, which expresses distance and the absolute value of space. If the common ratio is:

             Positive (convex, or subject of repetition) the terms will all be the same sign as the initial term.

             Negative (concave, hollow, object of repetition) the terms will alternate between positive and negative.

             Greater than 1, there will be exponential growth towards positive or negative infinity. (Unstable, chain reaction)

             1 (or pi) the progression is a constant sequence (bonds, stable, neutral, no chain reaction)

             Between a1 and 1 but not zero, there will be exponential decay towards zero (Infinite geometric series, chain reaction, hooks, and perpetual contraction)

             a1, the progression is an alternating sequence (ideal negative orbit, ties up, bonds)

             Less than a1, for the absolute values there is exponential growth towards positive and negative infinity. (Unstable, chain reaction)

Mathematical relationships generate a cone of certainty and an algorithm. A place of relative stability fixes the trajectory as the variables resume to one location or answer, the longer the trajectory the more predictable the curve. A reaction negates the pressure forcing the constant transfer of information and producing the resistance, and a negative energy field that can become a potential. It generates a capacity-demand reaction that reduces the tension attempting to restoring symmetry and disambiguates the information through a process of elimination, generating the cycles – As the elements get more complex they can produce fewer variables.

The duality between the universal symmetry and energy’s inherent antagonism generates movement, areas of stability with negative and positive poles and correlating capacity/ demand performances that establish the rhythm. Information is internalized generating patterns producing matter and articulations; energy and time become the result of a constant pressure disambiguation. The significant information makes it a structural development displacing the friction or a chain reaction between the capacity and the demand that leads to extreme polarization, sort of moving in the opposite direction, unfolding or fading, it determines degree of certainty and volatility - A potential is what is possible but still uncertain. It could be energy or virtual knowledge.


It generates a tendency to efficiency, the 45 degree angle of maximum certainty, the wheel and the learning curve, meaning the friction that produces the grip on the environment causes the erosion, and aggregating value reduces the friction and opens the scope. Life also has stability as the target and reacts similarly to pressure, accelerating and fragmenting, the environmental demand stimulates genetic processes that introduce more variables and mutations and as stress is relieved they slow down. The more specialized they become the less energy needed, and it can carry on to a point of saturation first, or balance. For life, also, the inability to meet the demand is uncertainty which causes hyperactivity and erosion, the vacuum of information that stretches the environment and in excess breaks it apart. The universe disambiguates pressure, life manages pressure to learn and buy time.


The algorithm is the result of a symmetrical three dimensional space with unique locations, one single shortest distance between two points and energy’s duality. The stage is set by the absolute value of pi, leaving us with a statistical certainty, speed and a spectrum, the pyramid and the X factor. Empiric generalization and geometric reductions that generate a capacity and an event horizon defining space and energy’s properties. Mathematically as long as there is a conflict the solution hasn’t been found, but the negation takes place on a scale where movement becomes predictable and information takes the path of least resistance, the shortest possible route between point A and B. The polarization grabs and information moves in both direction creating questions and answers and subliminal pressures. The vertical displacement in the loop generates the movement or quantification and a spiral, the more compact and uniform the information the longer the trajectory, like the DNA string, becoming exponentially shorter and fast with each variable. The resistance is determined by the structure which is determined by pi, the angle closes with every cycle because there is a diminishing return in the mass/volume ratio, it cannot reach the absolute vertical line. The nucleus or center of gravity should get ahead of the mathematical ability to compensate, sustain a volume.


Certainty is time and predictability, uniformity and recognition and uncertainty is unpredictability, ignorance and volatility, it opens a passage to the unknown and causes erosion, therefore any incursion or reach into the unknown generates proportional instability and vulnerabilities to a general integrity. The antagonism, speed and decadence are inversely related to the degree of certainty shaping a universe of proportions and lightings.

Between two spheres there is a negated space that can never be zero and increases with acceleration; it causes movement and everything to fallow the curve, the bigger the space the sharper the bend. Speed determines the time continuum, a separate event or moment fallows its own trajectory and could start moving more perpendicularly generating pressure on the environment and the previous event. The diverging trajectories reflect the capacity-demand sequence, the new event is either turned apart releasing the energy or gets through at which point the energy-time ratio changes. Speed is flexibility and polarization, the faster a system the worse the return until it reaches critical mass and the connection is broken, the disintegration makes the information part of a larger event’s frequency. Perfect symmetry would negate the negation stopping everything but that’s impossible, causes the heat and exponential inflation (only social reciprocity can fully negate this area).

Acceleration makes the negation area expand increasing resistance; the subject occupies more space which requires the critical mass to adjust. Like a sound barrier, time and energy start moving in opposite directions generating the energy vacuum until there is no time between point A and B. Pressure has to add up, speed changes the equation and the subject is crushed or floats up decompressing (in the absence of learning). The event stretches until the stability band breaks, literally producing a tear in the energy-time continuum, a place that heats up as the boundaries that define the event meet in a single point. Time shrinks and stops, the energy ceases being part of the system’s life and its aging process, and become part of a different event. The demand gets farther ahead the faster you go and overwhelms the capacity causing the system to lose integrity releasing energy.


This forces things to internalize the environment or be absorbed by the environment, setting the stage for chemical reactions, synthesis, digestion, etc. Consequently manipulating critical mass in reference to a performance horizon generates movement; reducing the mass produces acceleration and adding mass slows it down, basically controlling volume and contractions.

Energy, friction and structure are connected very tightly, in fact they are part of all information cycles, energy is friction and locates balance, like a universal molecule. That is because it is all the effects of pressure and the antagonism, the negation of the negation and the recovery of time. This also means that the environmental demand is proportionally adjusted curbing the performance and slowing down the displacement of energy (reducing resistance, making things easier, etc.). Energy always generates a demand; the bigger the structures the bigger the energy required, which defines resistance and forces everything to precision, and when it is fixed in place with purpose becomes function, energy cycles we know as cooperation, symbiosis and agglutination…generating traction with minimum antagonism.

It forces life to get just what it needs, build it only as big as necessary, the more successful species eliminating unnecessary antagonism almost completely, as opposed to using maximum energy to generate traction. Therefore the evolutionary adjustments are connected to and only work in the target area and through curated relationships, otherwise movement resumes and energy escapes, there is loss of potential and the capacity diminishes. The capacity and the demand could enter into the negative chain reaction causing resonance and the abnormal developments, decay and free falling, which is unresolved antagonism. Without the resistance that curbs the performance energy is spent, it multiplies accelerated by forward momentum and pull back by its own gravity, but generally falling behind the pace, which generates a tendency to pick up dead weight. For life that means deformities rather than growth, and moving in the wrong direction.


Life doesn’t have certain options, it generates its own pressures and demand. It climbs up to a point of relative stability developing a capacity, and lives out the energy of the tendency to balance generating the angle for maximum extension, which requires precision and is subject to a critical mass. In general it’s landing vs. crashing, managing information to eliminate all the variables except one, and find a way to go back to a beginning after sliding down pulled by the gravity, circling around the point of perfect stability as close as possible and only as far as needed, which is why no energy is wasted. It only works within certain parameters just like the atom, everything has a metabolism, a rhythm or pulse or is just ceasing, dying.

Since everything is interconnected stability is a statistical average, human society makes the species an organism without an inherent rate of decadence. The mathematical principle is locating the target by adjusting the center of gravity which improves with definition generating the horizontal performance. For life enrichment is generally the manipulation of energy in anticipation of a degree of difficulty which also becomes growth.


It forces life to make commitments, move in a given direction which produces all kinds of forms and behaviors, and very specific relationships. It also results in the exact levels of activity that give you maximum life. Without purpose and completely reactive most inanimate objects produce mostly the same shapes, information is not channeled and tends to fall straight down like a cascade producing the circular forms and the volatility dictated by pi. The environmental demand determines the target and center of gravity, but for life this means many things, it is found in different locations.

The significance attached to the relationships is the pull or pressure that produces the structures. It displaces energy looking for stability and can concentrate within an evolutionary range, an awareness or lens on the relevant information. The target moves and the focus closes and/or more energy is necessary, which is the flexibility to re-open the scope, (to the universal variables). Extreme focusing removes more variables but severs other relationships, takes them out of context or even the frame, so it only makes sense if is necessary, after all it is the result of instability, and more energy comes with other liabilities. It is, like everything, always bound by the universal performance which we have also identified as the learning curve and diminishing returns.


Bonding allows for the expansion within structural limits, incorporating information with minimum effort using momentum, so it only happens within certain parameters. It is determined by degree of certainty or compatibility, a positive energy ratio in relation to the friction produces the kinetic demand, the bigger the discrepancy the stronger the contraction. When bonding occurs energy is released or absorbed bending the trajectory until the head meets the tail again. The performance adjustment resets the energy-friction ratio and is essential for all things to co-exist, function, process information and sustaining life, etc. It dictates the properties of the elements and life’s behavior, and generates a pattern of agglutination throughout the universe. The reaction is modified in the interaction according to structural parameters, too much energy increases the antagonism and the system loses integrity, not enough and it loses connectivity and information comes to a halt; it’s “freezing” on one side and “combustion” on the other. It is the area where permanent cycles and life happen. Restructuring occurs on the edges of these relationships, these walls” will force everything back to efficiency, reorganize or be grinded, shift the weight or shed the weight, there is no rupture of the universal laws.

Oxygen as a simple element at the bottom of the pyramid has more bonding capacity and energy potential but is also equally corrosive. The Oxygen CO2 relationship is balanced in cycles between animal and plant life. This also gives water is properties and makes it ideal for synthesizing energy.

For life it means energy management, movement and health, specific ratios between a capacity and the demand. The target is turned it into a purpose and the demand becomes the needs, making the mathematical laws and focus work for it, determining the inevitable and turning the adjustment into the ability to perform a well-defined task, precision and repetition into process, and specialization and enrichment into a learning capacity (and the innumerable mental and physical adjustments involved in a free throw in basketball). It produces forms and priorities which is what generates the capacity reducing friction and the liabilities.

Life is energy; there is always a rate of decadence which is the universal gravity, the diminishing return caused by the antagonism that can only be reduced through compromise and a degree of efficiency, which is therefore infused into every life from. This performance adjustment is also discretion; our values system is the performance that contains the order and a function, the process of elimination and negations that provides definition or precision to our judgment and is the only unique human function; all other specializations are learned skills, the main adaptation or super objective.

Energy comes at a stability cost; in general it is deflected, absorbed or dispersed to relieve tension; focus, agglutination and fragmentation are the universal ways energy is adjusted. This allows living organisms to extract energy from the environment and balance the equation in several steps, using mechanisms like procreation and societies to achieve stability, therefore individuals have a rate of decadence not the human species. Life manipulates pressure, space and time to stretch and grow, using energy only in that context. As the ability to synthesize diminishes the dynamics shift to absorbing and fragmenting causing the sponge effect.

This creates horizontal cycles in relative stability, like human society and cooperation and others faster geometrical relationships like selective breeding and procreation all the way up to a vertical limit where the connection breaks and the environmental demand is displaced generating the capacity-demand chain reaction where it fall to the next generalization. It is the flat surface the angles and the weight straight over, achieving balance which comes in many forms; we also know it as quality, longevity, fairness and justice. The condition of the information is also what generates the musical octave. Human’s moral assessment, on which as a species we depend, is one of the best expressions in the evolution of the tendency to balance in behavior (A unique adaptation that makes the integrity of the information especially important)

Sustainability is finding the area where information doesn’t have to change form due to friction or is returned to its original state, and life is a constant struggle between retaining the significant information and learning. There is a line where the loss of energy that cause the inflammation of soft tissue, brittle bones, arthritis and other signs of aging or even disease is reduced, which has to do with diet, weight and level of activity, too much sugar generates friction and not enough activity reduces the capacity to process energy for instance. This reactions end up generating progressive structural decay and morbid relationships.

There is about a nine to one ration between the constants and the variables in the universe, consistent with structural boundaries and the parameters that order and connect the information. This generates clusters of information that take on a more or less absolute value and define the systems. Condensation acts as a spring board and produces energy pulsations, probably making life part of the general condition of the information, a reaction produced by the diminishing return and the need for balance which generates a pace. The structure determines a positive ratio in the transfer of energy with critical efficiency parameters, tension, temperature and boiling points. Living organisms have a more sensitive compatibility ratio and speed or economic coefficient.

Tension is the universal coagulator; information bends in a kinetic contraction produced by the antagonism, capacity- demand dynamics manifests as a beat around certain areas where certainty is shared in specific levels. These cycles are dedicated to explicit information and connected to the implicit environment and there is no trade off or bargaining otherwise, the assumptions are uncompromising. This is consistent with the heart critically located about two thirds of the way up and the brain high at the top needing a protective shield. At that level the heart is linking everything to a predominant rhythm. This systems supersede others to form a new unit with more absolute value, like the electrical impulse and the planets orbits the proximal and distal demands are equally relevant. Other systems achieve more certainty and agglutinates around values that provides a wider range of motion, like human society.

Some phenomena just occur in the same tension areas generating similar patterns but we are constantly suppressing pressure and moving between two nodal points. Life reaches out only for consistency and grows when there is a qualitative development, where the relative tension is reduced in relation to a general performance. During each heartbeat, blood pressure varies between a maximum (systolic) and a minimum (diastolic) pressure, reflecting a general environmental demand and a capacity dictated by its own integrity. Pressure generates an expansion of the volume forcing information to be absorb, when the polarization changes and the capacity and demand reverse trajectories the tension is releasing energy (and purging information), generating more capacity if learning occurs or increasing the pressure. A qualitative change along this line might’ve started life itself when it internalized the instinct to curve the diminishing return, which also stablishes another cycle in the genders.

The tendency to balance generates a center of stability and critical boundaries, the capacity, or response time, is the result of these relationships. That is, the maximum amount of energy that can be invested within the ability to restore stability, contiguous mini cycles or round trips that produce movement. The further away from balance the more energy needed to return, or the steeper the inclination and acceleration. This process creates multiple concentric loops of information, complex relationships and priorities subject to a general tension and environmental feedback, resulting in physical and emotional pain thresholds, nodal points and parameters of equilibrium reflective of the stability band.

This is usually an evolutionary process and makes the species only as strong as their weakest connection, although combining several sources of energy provides flexibility and enhances the capacity, becoming one of life’s tendencies as is climbing the evolutionary latter tapping into more efficient and permanent cycles. But these are sensitive systems which take millions of years to evolve and when energy is introduced in unnatural ways whole ecosystems can be destroyed, balance is literally broken. Some of the most vulnerable species as well as the less evolved ones have a single or few sources of energy.

As you get away from any point in space in every direction the variables multiply exponentially and information loses meaning; one cause produces multiple effects and no permanent systems. Only increments over fifty percent can result in a closed trajectory, and only about eighty five to ninety percent certainty is enough for structural integrity. At a sub-atomic level the information can potentially spread in all directions. Particles don’t have an internal source of energy and cannot disperse spontaneously, so it starts from zero and all variables. Pressure comes from an external source of energy and the universal constants which generates two trajectories, a very short one and a long trajectory defined by the conditions. The negation takes place on a larger scale where the pressure and volume are more predictable, subject to the energy and a critical mass.


It’s the formula leading to a single point that makes information materialize, definition is building stability and focus, creating the context and the points of references, the ground and the horizon, turning symmetry into equilibrium. Antagonism is polarization, it blocks the information which breaks up and bounces back splitting in two first and in multiple pieces later, producing the expansion of the environment. Excessive antagonism is unsustainable, it nullifies, blocks and holds in place, and can produce catastrophic results. Everything would just collapse without circling around to release pressure. The need for precision and the unity of opposites produces the basic performance with the three points of contact, and the neutral area with space absolute value connected to the positive, the center of gravity that also creates the articulation to a larger system. This makes things generally unfold in three stages producing the universal dynamics, things that stay in one location with more absolute value, others that remain part of the environment only by alternating positions, and a more random movement or shuffling of information.

The cone of certainty and balance make precision the only way to incorporate information creating platforms and generating cycles and dualities; the dominant X containing over ninety nine percent of the information, and the recessive y for the breathing flexibility and time disambiguation, the population’s gender then remains around fifty percent. This performance is the true equality and only way to exercise any concept of democracy, the definition makes it always come back around to the cycle, the percentage is the manifest reciprocity, the result of the uniformity or symbiosis that locks it down, versus a polarization of the whole which displaces certainty up and down to the individual, making us the free radical, the system a function of something else and also sets it on the decadent spiral. In reality is like the even terrain keeping the common ratio around one in the geometric sequence with some strategic relationships alternating positions which helps sustain the balance. It has been proven that some genetic information has to alternate between gender in order to avoid catastrophic results, like the legs as free and independent from each other as they are from the body.


Agglutination is a numerical progression caused by the displacement of resources. Information concentrates generating a demand and gravity, a positive charge and possibly stability. If pressure continues and the system cannot support the weight the polarization starts reversing, enters into a negative relationship with the environment and information start flowing mostly outwards. Concentrating energy or efforts reduces the activity per parts and generates more volume slowing the metabolism and relaxing the system, which translates into more certainty. The resulting structures determine conductivity and resistance; less friction gives the system the longest reach and chance at balance which allows it to grow, energy is more evenly spread out, it also reflects reciprocity and cooperation. Life’s trick is transforming these laws into function and the measure of success in using the least amount of resources. If information is not selected the energy can be displaced in other places generally by weight or mass.

Matter is an area of condensation that pulls on the rest opposed by the larger systems tension. The center of gravity moves generating pressure on the structures forcing the performance to adjust. Mathematical relationships within the system give it a shape and ground it keeping it connected, which is why everything in the universe looks similar. It also keeps life connected to reality and produces selective systems and economic hierarchies, and potentially loss of balance and integrity when the “cord gets too short”, or gravity becomes too strong, which is the result of extreme displacement of energy. Selective breeding can compensate for the environmental demand, stimulating movement to stay afloat.

Gravity is the force generated by the density differential which is absorbed by the more flexible environment first, it causes tension variations that can make the smaller system spin, and can also generate magnetic fields, not unlike that of Earth, which happens because the pressures are generally pointing in two directions. The environmental demand or gravity is actually a degree of instability, a diminishing return that generates movement and must be cancelled, which is what causes the agglutination. The tendency to balance is the negation of the negation, the capacity-demand interaction produced by the antagonism, the relation between pressure and repulsion, and poses a natural limit on gravity, (although the atom reaches a vertical limit first).

Because the atom has a positive gravity all subsequent systems do, there is only balance in relation to. This generates dynamics between systems of different densities; the environment attempts to equalize the tension while the smaller system tries to maintain its integrity. The forces are equal in all points of contact unless it is disturbed, and therefore if it has mass it has to be moving. This generates a tug-of- war where the mass determines the influence; cycles, approximation, loss of information, breaking up, etc…

Pressure is mass specific and particles bond accordingly, the atom is also a critical point in that process; mass gets relatively high but at this scale under this conditions the approximation of the environment doesn’t compensate for the disproportional gravity, and its volume is not enough to generate the repulsion required for stability, which creates a big pressure differential and the electron emission. Electronic pulsations, or repetitions, adjust the performance horizon, although the atom retains a positive gravity. In general as the mathematical relationships are stretched energy stabilizes all systems and vice versa, this makes what we know as the “atomic clocks” vary with conditions. Electromagnetism expands the performance horizon further, and other circumstances like temperature and speed can cause the loss of integrity. On the other side of these dynamics as volume grows approximating the density of the environment gravity is proportionally relaxed until the tension is even. {Electromagnetism is probably part of the antigravity and propulsion systems used by the foreigners).

This is also the reason for the energy concentrated in the atom; maximum energy is captured when the small atom is formed by pressures from the largest possible systems. Because of the tendency to balance as mass increases the energy multiplies according to E = MC2 (the heavier the element the more energy involved). The atom is a double duality convection point, an articulation. One relationship generates matter’s mass from particles (proton, neutron) in relative balance with each other, and the other attempts to balance the energy link (nucleus, electron). Those two are also bound by balance, but as the mass increases so does the differential in reference to the volume, the pressure expanding the wall of the atom, creating a force field around the nucleus and the need for another particle, the electrons, which is most likely expelled from the proton, and would pulsate between near the nucleus and the outer wall generating tension, without a set trajectory probably. The capacity is expanded as the neutrons balance the mass until the maximum possible combination is reached within a margin of error. Just like tension thins out possibly causing contractions of the universe, or the volume, as the mass is reduced, on the other side, repulsion increases the volume when the mass increases overlapping the nucleus in the case of the atom and causing other phenomena like the event horizon in black holes.


It reflects digital dynamics; one, contact, zero, no contact, true, false. More repetition generates more permanent contact and other proportions, two to one, three to one, twenty five percent, ten percent, and so on, which also means higher tension and more energy, the surface area and mass need to expand or a meltdown can occur. Excess repetition produces a negative charge and information turns back into energy producing the contraction, a chain reaction of these dynamics can cause the environment to soar and the eventual explosion. A negative capacity-demand coefficient is the lack of mass that is pulled by the environment or consumes itself, a potential differential generally produced by the energy and space relationship, is more unstable, a positive charge has more mass and absorbs the information. Positive and negative are relative but have absolute manifestations, like electricity, magnetism and inertia.

The atom makes a connection between the two worlds with the properties to bond and produce the elements, gasses, liquids, and solids are the result of the atom’s gravity, a relative capacity generates different molecular tensions. It produces mass and generates energy.  This is the most important duality, the relationship between mass and energy, the mass differential generate the forces that define both which produces the tendency to balance; the eventual astronomical mismatch allows the elements to re-stabilize without complete annihilation, creating permanent cycles, the actually develop between two critical points. It is in the duality with matter that energy takes on its properties and vice versa; the ultimate mismatch that causes and absorbs all others. This interaction could be the reason for the possible expansions and contractions of the universe, which would affect tension and probabilities causing stability cycles.


The information contained in the particles and pressure also produces normal and ultraviolet light, infrared, x-rays and gamma rays; it determines wave length and speed. The speed of light depends on the source of energy and is affected by tension and density as well as other factors in the environment, resulting in brightness and a color spectrum, which we capture with sensory mechanisms; as a permanent fixture of the environment life evolved to interpret this information.

The tendency to balance causes all natural phenomena on earth, temperature differential and chemical reactions generate winds and ocean currents that re-stabilize the ecosystems. The bigger the discrepancy the bigger the amount of energy released, as the numbers approximate the stabilizing mechanisms slow down. Earth’s own material is caught up in cycles set up by the gravity between the core and the surface. Greenhouse gasses and disappearing ice caps even out the surface temperatures interrupting certain cycles and making others enter into the dynamics chain reaction, generating pressures on all encompassing systems and an increase in other phenomenon (and compensating factors). For the earth’s surface temperature to go up one degree energy equivalent to millions of additional degrees would have to be absorbed by the whole atmosphere.

Information shapes everything, it made the Colorado River carve the Grand Canyon. The canyon itself then contains information, a historical account of those forces that leads future waters, and any change in conditions alters the rivers behavior, the water’s density, volume and intensity, the rocks properties etc…. The canyon itself then contains information, a historical account of those forces that leads future waters, and any change in conditions alters the rivers behavior. These dynamics also shape all species, they convey information and the interaction keeps them on a path carved by evolution. They have a purpose, to anticipate the road that’s being travelled before, always attempting to take the path of least resistance. Friction shapes the terrine and allow life to detect pressures, receive feedback, generate an “image” and find the spaces. Rationalizing is filling the geometric spaces and internalizing the movement to where is compatible with the external environment. It projects the cone into a future with a coefficient matching the pressure in a distant point and defining quantity, the lower the amount of energy needed the further away and the slower the pace. For us this potential grows with cooperation slowing acceleration and producing a bigger tree, and a wider canopy.


The algorithm brings specialization always to a maximum critical point, less friction but also less margin for error. Agglutination and bigger platforms such as societies are energy concentrations and part of a universal formula to enhance the capacity, dynamics that generate many patterns, motivations and forms of collaboration. The constants and variables end up being reflected in basic structures with functional degrees of flexibility and critical points, enough definition with the necessary range of motion, true for shape and behavior; specialization without mutilation.


The physical separation brought about by mobile life forms made behavior the most important way to communicate information, the impulse or instincts must transmit specific properties to remain consistent with environmental patterns and produce similar results every time, also introducing many other variables. Electricity produces an arc that is always the same and always different depending on environmental conditions, no unlike the properties of the visual structures. These are permanent patterns and a metric that is also true for human behavior, as a matter of fact it is a characteristic of the whole universe, mostly constants with some variables and two critical points; nothing can exist as an absolute or variable, a consistency that produces life and time. The information’s relative relevance will give meaning to form and behavior.


Interconnectedness is the essence of everything including life. The Energy-Matter relationship is the foundation, the ability to generate energy from relatively small amounts of matter and reconstitute it, the tendency to balance fuels evolution, the need to meet the environmental demand, and genetic processes are the result of action reaction and the universal duality. Life is the product of stabilizing the capacity-demand equation and symbiosis is the only way to transfer information and distribute energy in sustainable cycles, from single organisms to societies and whole ecosystems practicing this economy is essential.

Life is attempting to become permanent for which it has become part of permanent cycles, interpret mathematical relations and produce patterns to generate stability, and the more flexibility the better. But life is limited by structure and the negation at all levels therefore the more successful it is in connecting to the universal constant the more it neutralizes ambiguities and nullifies variables, disambiguating at the lowest common denominator, a geometric area, which makes it more proficient. Procreation and agglutination are some of life’s most permanent features, as well as agriculture and knowledge platforms in humans, becoming part of the larger context means more space and security. This is difficult because some of the patterns caused by the variables seem permanent, the general structure is always present in all ecosystems but the constants are expressed in many different ways with more or less absolute value, stars and planets in that ecosystem’s constellation, this also means the basic principles are always available.

Sustaining life through recognition and anticipation is the purpose. Life attempts to isolate a benefit, neutralize the liabilities in the chain reaction of an interconnected universe to obtain a positive return, this generates a “know how”, which becomes instincts and in humans a values system and culture, eventually certain clusters of information produce self-awareness.

-              Life agglutinates as a result of the tendency to balance reducing tension and increasing certainty, it displaces resistance improving the energy-time ratio and extends the trajectory.

-              Cooperation is agglutination and the certainty algorithm; harnessing the geometrical progressions. Increasing numbers provide density and more definition.

-              Sharing the results nullifies variables and spreads the field improving the odds, expanding the time-energy ratio.

-              Social Reciprocity is a specific form of sharing where the benefits of cooperation are maximized in a group. It is at the bottom symbiosis as expressed by human evolution.

Life anticipates cause and effect to better manage risk, produce an outcome and secure as much time as possible, which creates a general tendency to awareness in order of relevance (chemical reactions, energy sources, whether cycles, other life forms etc…), less evolved species anticipating fewer relationships. Being proactive defines life and generates a spectrum from inert to maximum perception, from minimum to greater ability to predict and control the inevitable. In this curve some things remain always constant and others present options that in turn affect the trajectory. Human society has a wider range of motion, ability to predict and affect the circumstances, but since precision requires focus it is always a constant struggle between the fixed and the flexible, saving energy and moving.

Humans were able to reach further as a result of a values system that becomes the filter and source of certainty; it conditions the expectation reducing the error and the liabilities, the traps and the viruses, the disruptive connection and undesirable information. It’s the eyes and hands, additional precision is circumstantial. Real time discretion is the difference between grabbing and being grabbed, getting stuck on the environment and disambiguating the information. De-specialization is not lack of precision; we focused on cooperation and benefit from the best of both worlds, making us complicated and heavy individuals but very light and nimble in the group. The moral imperative reflects the biggest pattern of all, the energy bias, the relaxation and elongation of the information with the proportional capacity and super sensitivity, represents an expansion of the performance, understanding better, reaching across time and seeing beyond a barrier.


Most natural patterns of relevance to humanity develop relatively slow and humans are equipped to predict them in a large degree. That is because we are part of the information not just interpreting it. Human nature evolved as a result of an increased awareness of the same environment that produces the body, and in that sense absolute integrity of the information, connections and layers. We have come to understand most of the universe; we can predict weather and crop cycles, population growth and productivity potentials, and hurricane and tornado seasons. Undisturbed we could predict ninety nine percent of all natural patterns for the next thousand years and more, but we cannot anticipate one Wall Street day, or one year of the financial economy. All the species that survived for thousands of years and even millions have successfully predicted the environment. The ability to anticipate is life itself, which is why it needs a minimum level of stability to thrive. The more efficient it is at simplifying and ordering the information the better the result and clearer the picture, it generates a capacity and a potential.

A connection is also a bind, anticipation is a concession, a turn where something is left behind, focus is tension, hope is apprehension and fear, a potential has to be passive, and stimulus is decay, a revelation is a memory, recognition is contribution, and every action is a question. Displacing the empathic center and holding the loose ropes is commoditization, winning it up and generating the tension grinding effect.

Dialectical Materialism talks about physical laws and universal dynamics like agglutination, interconnectedness and a general pattern to the information, the significance of the relationships and a precision he called quality, he describes historical development and even a concept of relativity, opposing forces and a performance. Eventually he also talks about agitation and the disturbance of “fixed, fast frozen relations”.

"Contrary to metaphysics, dialectics does not regard nature as an accidental agglomeration of things, of phenomena, unconnected with, isolated from, and independent of, each other, but as a connected and integral whole, in which things, phenomena are organically connected with, dependent on, and determined by, each other.

The dialectical method therefore holds that no phenomenon in nature can be understood if taken by itself, isolated from surrounding phenomena, inasmuch as any phenomenon in any realm of nature may become meaningless to us if it is not considered in connection with the surrounding conditions, but divorced from them; and that, vice versa, any phenomenon can be understood and explained if considered in its inseparable connection with surrounding phenomena, as one conditioned by surrounding phenomena.

Contrary to metaphysics, dialectics does not regard the process of development as a simple process of growth, where quantitative changes do not lead to qualitative changes, but as a development which passes from insignificant and imperceptible quantitative changes to open' fundamental changes' to qualitative changes; a development in which the qualitative changes occur not gradually, but rapidly and abruptly, taking the form of a leap from one state to another; they occur not accidentally but as the natural result of an accumulation of imperceptible and gradual quantitative changes.

The dialectical method therefore holds that the process of development should be understood not as movement in a circle, not as a simple repetition of what has already occurred, but as an onward and upward movement, as a transition from an old qualitative state to a new qualitative state, as a development from the simple to the complex, from the lower to the higher”

Dialectical materialism also proposes that every economic order grows to a state of maximum efficiency, while simultaneously developing internal contradictions and weaknesses that contribute to its systemic decay. In Chinese culture the concept of yin yang is the notion that one can see a dynamic duality; male, female, active and passive, dark and light, forceful or yielding, in all things. How contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and gives rise to each other in turn, opposites thus only exist in relation to each other.


