Growth and Culture

• Morality resides in the senses as a purposive set of instincts – The Origins of Virtue.

Life is part of the environment, it is organized information and its main purpose is learning and becoming a permanent cycle itself. It flows through many channels and takes on millions of forms, and in humans, a highly evolved social species, some of it becomes a “know how” shared and pass down through social structures as much as genetic ones.

The values system solves problems before we fully understand the all relationships, but it doesn’t work either without culture. The process that is used to extract the essence of all knowledge continues and generates the traditions, therefore the institutions are not question too much. We are programmed to trust the social environment and assume some details get lost over time or remain hidden, incorporating the meaning as part of a bigger legacy and a political condition. It becomes an extension of human nature, a social genetics of sorts that is rounded up by specialization, and a vehicle that allows man to transcend to geography and other differences.

It created a universal system that can be plugged and unplugged and is portable, where focus is turned into learning and empiric reductions that can take hold anywhere, with the relative energy loss involved with a more active area. Culture is the recombination of history and social relationships. Uniformity is nature’s goal and what generates the potential, virtue is express in the tolerance defining efficiency, certainty and pain thresholds.

Despecialization and equal reproductive responsibilities set us up for growth; they are the equalizers that gave us the ability to multiply and repeat the same formulas on a social scale, reorganize and restructure. We get a potential in the bond and human ingenuity, indeed putting evolution in our hands as part of a social development. Socio-economic growth though involves the same principles of movement, the ambiguities have to be resolved, concentrated in areas to generate traction and improve the ability to synthesize energy, following also a curve where they materialize.

New methods and technologies can enhance our capacity helping us restructure, but they can change the frequency of certain patterns, and therefore application is very important. They can affect critical-mass and displace certainty generating subliminal pressures and an environmental reaction; working immediately on the spaces and elasticity, on the natural rhythm. They can become the focal point and generate a contraction reversing essential capacity-demand dynamics, stretching the environment and making the demand rise as they improve their own capacity, increase repetitions and raise the temperature. On the other hand tension always demands energy and growth can generate tension, on both sides of the elasticity parameters balance is lost and energy is displaced excessively inwards or outwards and a qualitative change becomes increasingly less likely.

A real qualitative change displaces energy and the universal fluctuations to more specific areas reducing them and securing an advantage, developing the flexibility to deal with specific levels of uncertainty. It generates new variables as it reduces the general repetition trigger making room, opening spaces, and the patterns then repeat more often, it creates uniformity and the antithesis of change at the same time, it creates certainty. When it finds stability it locks down, if it doesn’t the general cycles between movement and definition, variables and uniformity, closing and opening continue transforming the information, and with a tendency to fall back on the last reliable platform, or universal context, which could mean regressing or decomposing under the right conditions. Without relative stability nature pushes for balance with absolute disregard, the general tendencies take over and continue displacing energy.


This is the general process of enrichment and how life segregates the information generating the connections and contacts with the appropriate level of intensity; trading information and simplifying. The systems caught in between are economic hierarchies (and selective breeding); they are a protrusion in the environment with a time differential matching that of a relative loss of energy, and can become more or less permanent depending on the acceleration, it must sustain a minimum level of integrity. It is adapting to the pressures which generates the shapes with increasingly less fluctuations towards a center left behind, which also means that this areas are increasingly localized the more developed the system, become part of more specific functions, they have a relative significance with resources expectations.

Enrichment is holding or securing a location, it is all about energy, too much or not enough can change the dynamics and the substance. Agglutination requires a reduction that can affect the species, which must again center on a smaller area of repetition (a phenomenon that causes autism), an over abbreviation that displaces pressure to other functions attempting to generate more uniformity. It needs to retain a level of conductivity that for the culture mostly means technology and socioeconomic relationships. In nature energy parameters determine density and force a constant reduction, which is what makes life agglutinate to find balance.

The general tendencies are increased agitation, strata formation and simplification, more uniformity which is a form of specialization. This produces the segregation of functions; generally the variables are gradually displaced outwards to the next level reducing friction and generating the efficiency, which requires a degree of compatibility. When the system cannot settle the tension differentials it continues alternating between reducing the individual parts and expanding a volume searching for balance…pressure continues to produce energy starvation, distortion and interference. In other words our common denominator is not necessarily that of nature, which causes the abnormal development, instead of certain spaces or socio economic relationships determining the performance they are mostly just responding to the environment, which is responding to other factors. Similarly as long as we are developing nature would look to generalize more, a process that runs into money.

Uniformity is relative and marks the end of a cycle, it doesn’t recognize a level only balance in reference to; it is equal parts, focusing and gravity. Generally energy circulates more evenly but it doesn’t care about the capacity of the parts, it doesn’t stop transforming the information until balance is found, if it is not it is the end of that development. A form of antagonism shows up in the sacrifice of the parts for the whole when it does not respond to specific priorities, man is diminished and the culture breaks down, at that point society is not working for the species anymore. It stopped being the solution and we get caught in the negative chain reaction to another point of precision.


Density and size of the population determine the characteristics of all species and vice versa, from smaller groups to very large concentrations there are very distinct patterns, and it has all to do with how they relate to food and the resources. Density eventually undermines the brain expansion attached to socialization, so human evolution is really a needle in a haystack, finding the common denominator that would stimulated the expansion of the capacity, no more and no less, the brain, man and society itself, with a moral imperative grounding the capacity-demand connection. For humans quantity is an environment and socioeconomic relationships, a condition that needs nourishment. For us more uniformity is also education and socioeconomic development, without either one it will take on other forms and cannot generate the quality. It cannot produce the content and potential that keep us disambiguating growth. We are on a “get smart” trajectory as part of the consolidation of a larger more permanent ecosystem that adjusts the energy.

The statistical balance can lead to maximum use of resource and transparency, the right structures and a curve, the perfect order in agglutination which is only achievable on a social scale and through the energy bias, the right articulations and the relaxation which is like a lens, determining the distance between point A and B and a general shape. Otherwise it requires more uniformity and either a super intelligence or extreme focusing, or both; a role we have filled with technology which in turn when well applied has complemented our despecialized condition. The natural enrichment generates a capacity and forces a refocusing, as it balances and approximates pi it produces a sphere and the environment becomes more stable, which usually requires certain elasticity. If there is too much enrichment the lens absorbs the energy defeating the purpose, it actually becomes a more dense or opaque element.

Economic hierarchies are mathematical equations that have not been or cannot be simplified further, with the proportional deficiency and rate of decadence. In general increasing repetitions overheats the environment and reducing them relaxes it and eventually also breaks the connection. Information is only aggregated for balance, the enrichment of socioeconomic relationships works the same way, platforms where the information coming in is brought to minimum certainty and the information going out is the result of the function, supported by free exchange only in that context. The permanent record becomes institutional wisdom and cultural traditions where the significant information transcend time, and the rest becomes more recessive and circumstantial, void and null, or inactive. Like the telescope the better we are at segregating the information and focusing the greater the potential, rationalizing, categorizing, grouping and simplifying. Information is usually processed by “historical currencies” that produce a positive return determining what is beneficial and negative, what remains and what is dismissed and what remains, what is transformed and functional.


Humanity has followed a growth trajectory with technology helping synthesize energy and acting as a catalyst and agglutinating factor at the same time. Despecialization forced us to think, and from that point on the integrity of this relationship was essential to our own. Technology’s trajectory though is only generally connected to that of society, it is subject to other circumstances and fluctuations that can generate the subliminal pressures if the right parameters are not stablished, if the function is not defined as part of a “digestive system” and to express a potential, determined by a performance dominated by the moral assessment. It always had limitations and very obvious impact on society which could then make the adjustments, the line between the benefits, distortions and damages were more discernable. The repetition required by precision can generate a capacity, but also the displacement of resources and negate the spaces, moving in the opposite direction of our own growth.

Today is not so apparent but the boundaries still exist where certainty is displaced and the technology becomes alienating. It has a tendency to continue contracting the event, although it should become increasingly less transcendental as part of the empiric generalizations, generating the exponential growth that also defines movement and the spaces, which depend on default values, like the body to the arm to the hand. It has done the opposite; a different technology affects the most intimate moment and breaks down an economy on a molecular level, not showing any repercussions for a long time.


Technology is, after all a manipulation of size and proportions, an accelerant, speed increases as the duration of the event decreases and the relationship with energy and resources start reversing until the capacity and demand cross path responding to different performances, causing the temporal disturbance. The energy relationship and a level of stability with society and the environment makes it a support point, a spring board, hub, or step, or a sink hole, a positive point of reference or a question. It only works when we simplify the information as part of a natural ossification process and organic relationships, getting what you need and otherwise corrupting the whole system. It reflects the connections' duality, capacity and resistance, supporting beams and weight. They are themselves a concentration of information, a short cut and manipulation of focus which is what allows it to multiply the energy; they improve their certainty and reduce the environment’s, which means time.

It needs controlling just like the enzymes in our bodies, they translate information and transport energy, help in bonding and break down material, reorder and have byproducts, and don’t always have to produce certainty sometimes just energy necessary for the connection. They are all repetition points and the only way to redistribute energy but there is a gradual loss and decline that makes precision indispensable. Oversimplification in general can cause obstruction of functions and development, dimorphism and scarring, we can’t withhold or deregulate technology.

From the beginning we contributed to our growth through a series of discoveries, we needed the tools to specialize and in the process stimulated our own social development. Along those lines it would seem that technology could expedite trade as the activity increased and more variables appeared, which is where money finds its niche. An empty pseudo-technology with no energy or time parameters that could speed up the process, but also reduce everything, with the loss of energy and destructive power that entails. Money creates the short cut and closes the focus squeezing energy out of everything it touches, similar to the chain reaction caused by technology where the negative ratio changes our expectations which in turn pushes the technology.

In general a faster repetition point can create the wormhole and suck the energy out of the environment. It becomes the platform rather than working off another platform, and the variable becomes the standard. It produces the instant delivery syndrome which is a reversal of roles and the contraction rather than the simplification, the false agreement that shots the door on progress. Social development like agglutination requires a redefinition of spaces (we sometimes call civilization) which should evolve from old parameter set by the values system but that were not completely defined before. Technology contributes to generating room for growth only when it is at the service of society.

The idea is they go faster and we keep the pace, they suffer the erosion we don’t, but we could not grow healthy without the development of technology or in its absence. As part of the algorithm it is supposed to gain more definition and capacity as trade winds down with the variables, changing form. This process is always going to be limited by the de-specialization that generates it, the compromise in the flexibility versus predetermined and simpler genetic functions.

Anticipating is the essence of life, in the measure we lose control of the circumstances the chances of survival decrease. Restructuring is made easier by virtue and human evolution, the ability to predict and get ahead of the curb actually paving the way. But all species are proactive within the context of experience and a protocol, meaning a memory, evolutionary and social adaptations. They go to a common denominator, then to specific area of deficiency or interest and disambiguate further, remaining interactive and responsive to the environment. As circumstances take control the options are reduced to simple more drastic solutions that have the potential to affect the parts, and although they justify themselves they are not necessary related to an inevitable trajectory, but rather lack of anticipation, picking up the pattern. Life, for instance, loses interest with degree of uncertainty avoiding being unreasonably pulled into the unknown, the abyss, or stretched thin, but also has to incorporate information and reduce friction.

Despecialization meant we had more choices and became more deliberate, which distinguished us from other species; our destiny was more in our hands since. Certainty parameters became very flexible and grounded by a values system, extending proportionally the awareness linked to a social development that allows us to reach further and synthesize more energy, a capacity that can also expands as the information becomes more difficult, becoming part of the growth. These parameters are relative to resources and an effort that is also part of default values; the dynamics are not much different than those of the brain. The values system and a moral imperative expressed the dynamic potential (of what is possible) that allowed us to venture into every corner of the world.

An increasing awareness is also part of the performance adjustment in human socialization and a learning curve that helps maximize our potential and forces us to find the ideal social environment. Redefine the spaces involved in the human condition as part of the exponential growth and empiric reductions, the energy adjustment that demands restructuring and our ability to affect the circumstances that in turn can change us. Where are these natural friction triggers and inhibitors that force the focus to shift or the structure to weaken and crumble? Where is the definition that slowly turns into repeating patterns generating certainty and facilitating actual growth, where the flexibility is not tested and our essence changed?

We once solved the problem through despecialization and a dual performance, maximum flexibility to absorb the environmental fluctuations and protect the integrity of other mechanisms. This had to both generate a very high tolerance and establish the boundaries for the process of cultural specialization and ossification. It requires resources and efforts to train and develop skills, and educate a person, more time to displace the energy properly. It requires a movement that become too protracted for the individual and only society can produce, a restructuring that takes place from the bottom up as much as from the top down and defines the resistance.

The same flexibility that promotes the growth creates the human event with the individual variable, therefore the universal tendency to trade the muscles for intelligence, space and quantity, have to be limited by the human condition. In other words the organism has a capacity to process x amount of information and potential for enrichment, and needs to spread out in the measure it depends on activity to deal with difficulty. Agglutination is the transfer of energy to a much more efficient system; a collective intelligence which is contained in the values system, which potential we haven’t discovered.


In general the enrichment that generate the efficiency is bound by a historical development that curbs the performance. The complexity of language suggests that the simplification process has to be limited by human evolution, even though uniformity makes everything more efficient in absolute terms. For instance, any species is a variable as part of an ecosystem that defines what is functional. It has to be a true common denominator but the closest to a minimum denominator the more efficient it becomes, which reflects also the dynamics involved with the learning process. Going up can only mean going to basics and enhancing the foundation, it generates maximum definition for that specific system, making everything else a distortion.

Enrichment generates a capacity and forces a refocusing, it produces platforms and eventually shuffling of information. The balance is then in the access and free exchange of the significant information, and the variables supported by the evolution. We constantly move between environments generated by parameters established by a more general one, which is always attempting to absorb the information and make it more uniform, like gravity, becoming saturated and with more absolute value eventually. Despecialization produced a fluid environment transforming the areas that have a tendency to fold under pressure generating a spectrum or strata, generating in man a performance that only has meaning in the context of human empathy.

Men put a lot of stock on movement and the diversity that produces the ecological success, but an increased predictability has to match the growth as the variables blend in and movement is reduced. Recovering time on a cultural level would produce the necessary adjustments but should also run into the boundaries that force the restructuring and multiplication, although by then it might not be a very efficient system. The occasional qualitative step opens the possibilities to new variables but the waters always have to calm down, a capacity and demand that should be marching in unison.


The question remains what are the effects of the environmental pressures on the species trajectory? The answer is we were built for multiple environments and many levels of cooperation and a predisposition for growth, and that generally socioeconomic hierarchies could extend or cut short a trajectory depending on other dynamics, that all systems tend to come around full circle to a place of stability and that we are not exempt from these laws. So how much is too much, and can we produce the transformative change without a drastic alteration of the human condition, are we there in that other generalization?

We started with a dual performance and an advantage, the consistency and the elasticity. The essence of the problem is the evolutionary predispositions that shape the human condition come from despecialization which contains the inefficiency of the universal system; they are all connected and in the area of learning, re-specialization and also what should be diminishing variables, which generates a relatively boiling point and some friction with growth. The good news is much of it is cultural and when the expectations are proportional to the fluctuations the flexibility is just right, similarly the expectations that shape our condition and emotional make up are affected by the flexibility.

We can only make society more uniform and recover resources in the context of the false labor that produces man to begin with, no more than we can eliminate diversity or the need for education, particular talents and vocations, they are in relationships and affect one another, the recessive cultural component that resumes generating a potential, the final connections and attachment. True growth happens through cultural enrichment and the exercise of purpose in the social vetting, more certainty is always relative because is in the quality and redefines quality. The cause comes from evolution, and since it is a form of kinetic contraction it has a tendency to replace other patterns, therefore preserving certain human trades and characteristics becomes imperative. It’s all about the things that are uncompromising and the ones that can move and then how much do you really want to change those, it is all about the feedback and the expectations, finding out what the order and symmetry that generates the capacity mean to society. At some point is the certainty actually increasing or is it just stretching?


Human’s advantage was harnessing the kinetic contraction though, and turning it into the evolution of cooperation and equality, in other words real time assessment without other preconceived limitations. The prevailing development is despecialization which generated the absolute and relative values. Care and virtue are the yin and yang, not exclusive, not antagonistic; they gave rise and exist in reference to each other. It found and defined a common denominator and the equation cannot be reduced further while obtaining the right answer. It’s the evolutionary memory and the cultural development, the emotional awareness binds the species and the intellectual capacity generates a contribution that only has value in the social context. Unfortunately the long reach and strong grip also made us vulnerable to a very fast chain reaction and abnormal development taking advantage of strong sensitivities and a cultural essence.

Concentrating efforts is ultimately the stabilizing potential that forces us to find the patterns, specifically those that apply to the human condition, as well as the general tendency to scale down the activity and spread the horizon, the structural boundaries. The triggers that when merging into one can also force an undesirable redefinition of the spaces displacing energy up and out, or inwards, and have also generated different environments in our awareness that reflect in society. Think of us as the atom to the rest of the universe and plenty of room to agglutinate within certain parameters.

Agglutination has a trajectory improving progressively the energy-time coefficient until it reaches a point of optimal performance, and then friction starts undermining it and the environmental demand begins to rise. This happens because energy wants to build up as the fortification brings it down, the capacity for enrichment is limited and at some point the activity generates pressure, the pace accelerates causing the system to expand displacing energy and bouncing back out, reflecting the end of the cycle.

Structure and energy determine a relative size for our social adaptations, although despecialization allows for a much wider range than other species, as does society, the last possible phase in this evolution. Life’s objective is as much precision as possible which is around the optimal performance area, is attempting to remain healthy and able, which means maximum survival. But it would be very limiting without multiplication and bonding which allows growth while sustaining and even reducing the tension, a rhythm that is reflective of an evolutionary trajectory and usually shows the first signs of stress.


This should generate socio economic patterns going from the short trajectory more definite systems that can theoretically repeat endlessly to the long trajectory more fluid system. The uniformity that generates the short trajectory displaces the variables sideways and up; it has less internal tolerance and more external variables or general movement, ratios that reverse increasingly to more tolerance for movement but less external variables, usually in a series of qualitative steps. These cycles close according to a function and as the variables are reduced it becomes more sustainable, more precise and lasts longer.

Things grow but tend to go back to the single point where everything starts from as a result of the energy fluctuations, contracting and relaxing, in and out, enriching and reducing. It creates articulations, determines proportions, size and reach, generating the leverage and flexibility, but also become rigid and dysfunctional under extreme pressure, when the performance and certainty curve are distorted. Therefore the algorithm can be grabbing, immobilizing and binding. Form is the movement we don’t see, and behavior is the form we don’t see, we perceive.

Economic hierarchies are a form of environmental enrichment and a lockdown of movement and the learning process, a sign of inefficiency, when the restructuring or qualitative transformation needed for more stability is not occurring, information is blocked or there is too much friction. The system cannot return to an internal state of symbiosis because the need to maintain a precarious balance with the environment. It is itself a level of decay that requires constant new information constantly, a test of the elasticity and an inflammation of the tissue. The energy eye opens to absorb more information, it could settle back down but continues to increase with pressure, eventually the cycle brakes and a passage or tunnel opens and information starts flowing in the opposite direction.


In the degree the economic hierarchies develop and the system gets more inverted learning becomes more difficult and the information moves faster consuming more energy. But this also means that they are a conditions of materialization and stages of evolution which life can only eradicate mathematically at the social level. These relationships set the stage and the options, drastic transformation of the information, shuffling (holding your position) and somewhere in between, ways to solve the antagonism.

The more concentrated the environment the more traction but the response becomes slower forcing the system to match a level of uncertainty (flexibility), or it starts reversing and taking too much energy. These are the same dynamics that adjust form and behavior to the environmental density which is determined by repetition and that affect our brains. The certainty horizon manifests physically and more virtually the more advanced the species. Therefore technology and the right methods can help growth keeping the energy down, which is their role, and infusing energy beyond the necessary can add up to a distortion, balance temporarily the equation or more permanently within the right parameters. It is also why we need the basic points of reference, the last know common denominator and its properties. More exercise will burn more calories but won’t necessarily extend life.

Nature’s solution is always maximum reduction, but life uses a combination to find balance since it needs more energy, and we find it everywhere in that spectrum, as well as some extreme adaptations around the edges. Improving the performance can generate more energy and on the flip side energy can help improve the performance, but it generates a demand. This generally keeps life simplifying and restructuring to compensate for the resistance, using more energy only as a last resort. These dynamics generate the tendency to the essentials and bring us back to cooperation among specialist, which is part of the remeasuring involved with agglutination, a redefinition by definition. As a matter of fact it is just a universal formula that humans take to the next level.

It is agglutination again and again to create a more efficient coherent system, parts joining for mutual benefit and an easier to meet stability target. In survival of the fittest the purpose is fitness not competition itself, a reduction of the variables in a given direction. Competition for survival accomplishes that but also reduces population in the process, which is a liability. So evolution walks a tight balance between fitness and numbers and produces a spectrum with all possible combinations. As some species move to cooperation competition takes on other forms. Highly specialized forms of cooperation, like in some insect colonies, displaces competition through specific functions and well defined tasks but also restrict procreation and the movement that generates the development. Humans take it a little further and displace some other functions to culture and traditions, education and social structures giving us a better chance.


Human evolution solved the problem transforming the empiric reduction into the ability to learn and specialize, an expansion of “awareness” and an awakening of the species that is in a big part the code of conduct itself. Man was able to simplify and become more complex at the same time avoiding the limitations of extreme specialization by concentrating in the process itself and developing a strong bond in the place of rather restrictive characteristics. This freed the main adaptation for maximum definition, which is the objective, and still allowed man to specialize on other goals. A socio-economic system would have to reflect such structure, specifically the fusion of heart and mind, the flexibility of the coagulation around the ability to care and the consistency of tradition and respect it demanded, the moral discretion and values that justifies the love.

Once again, the target is determined by the answer to the environmental demand, but this time with a sense of purpose and direction. We have a series of priorities that share our attention and have emotional and socio economic implications, they are relatively flexible and the results come from the combination, they are points of references and triangulation, and require equal tension to be stable or in focus, that means a relative significance attached back from the source. These are the proportions and context of our lives, the spaces in our relationships. Men then has the ability to re-focus in one or even several areas more or less intensively for shorter or longer periods of time, which like training could become second nature and in some cases even tradition. Intensive focusing looks for higher performance and like a muscle contraction is time sensitive and supposed to re-stabilize a system, solve a problem or capture a moment.


Growth as part of the natural trajectory reduces stress, which means less relative energy consumption and more security. The variables have been reduced by an evolutionary trajectory but the scope opened up when we de-specialized to give us more range and learning capacity, capture useful information and dismiss the rest, is the head lights and the road, background and focus for a clear picture. Certain dynamics therefore in human society inherently contain a performance which reflects and is always displaced by the degree of difficulty (and the distance from point A to B, effort, etc.), it mirrors the universe, meets a “demand” and connects the dots.

This force field and relationships establish balance and distribute energy up and down the system. They create dualities and set the pace; focus and tension, resistance and bond, difficulty and performance are the same. The efficiency produced by reciprocity sustains reciprocity and the lack thereof generates competition and a streamlining, a refocusing and reduction of awareness, certainty is reduced and gravity takes over accelerating and pulling through the wormhole making the energy unfold. Extreme pressure causes repetition to concentrate in undesirable areas pulling on our systems and the areas of uniformity that had already been defined, therefore humans as we know them stop being the common denominator and the maximum repetition point.

When the priorities drift away from evolutionary assumptions for any reason (usually having to do with resource) so does the center of gravity and a system develops with its own common denominators, areas of repetition and uniformity, and ultimate trajectory and destiny which now connect us to the universe. We become part of a new form and caught up in a less permanent condition subject the transformation that might require as the best possible options. This looks exactly like the natural trajectory because it is the natural process. It’s the environmental tug and traction of a larger event because there can be no absolute rupture due to inefficiency, although it is a departure for us. The difference is retaining certainty and the integrity, the emphasis on the adaptations to remain more or less in a zone during our development which keeps us on a human curb, the object of repetition and the constant.


The essence of Tai Chi is practicing a balance protecting virtual and physical spaces and a form that is not impervious to change and the environment’s influence. It is sending a signal through repetition validating the human condition and a capacity that due to despecialization needs more exercise. Generally what is not practiced tends to atrophy. The concept of the taiji, supreme ultimate, in contrast with wuji, without ultimate, appears in both Taoist and Confucian Chinese philosophy, where it represents the fusion of Yin and Yang into a single ultimate, represented by the taijitu symbol. T’ai chi ch’uan theory and practice evolved in agreement with many Chinese philosophical principles, including those of Taoism and Confucianism.


Humans like everything else are bound by structural parameters, compulsiveness to share and social reciprocity set us up for growth at the same time that transcending specialization created the capacity to sustain balance in the context of a learning curve. It generated a larger tolerance area, a wider “stability band” that is part of a general potential and the universal connection necessary for recognition and anticipation. Growth is an adaptation anticipated by evolution that coexists with other necessities, it is procreation to nutrition, education, research and investigation, technology, etc. These are actually energy cycles that feed of each other and can produce the expansion determining each other’s environmental demand and a stability area.

Morality and human concepts such as pride, dignity and respect have an original function related to structural integrity and allocation of resources. They are human’s molecular tension; the interaction, the balance, common denominator and bonding capacity. It is the substance to the negation, the light otherwise indistinctive information, the responsibility that comes with power. They are part of the drive and the initiative that helps us deal with the circumstances, which are obviously more significant to each individual in the context of their lives, and are only connected to a larger picture by a much older memory which retains evolutionary measurements and proportions without distortion, and that in conjunction with the culture and the traditions puts life in perspective, the continuity and structures not unlike language and the ability to speak. It is the reciprocity and integrity that is preserved, the behavior matching the expectation for which some spaces might require redefinition, like clothing and what is private have a cultural component.

We are moral beings, it distinguishes us from other species giving us a sense of direction. It is the result of the new certainty and prioritizing cooperation. It goes back to dialectics of movement; respect is the cost that justifies the motivation defining a performance and the conditions where the species can thrive. Differing cost to the virtual spaces sets up the learning process and makes socialization the manifest destiny. It defines the moment and the power of discretion, the immediate goals and the long term evolutionary objectives engrained in our nature.

For instance some species would eat their young in a bad season, some will push the weakest one out of the nest, or provide their own bodies as a food source, and some die in the process of reproducing. The supper objective has to prevail in the sequence of negations and priorities in order to preserve equilibrium, the center of gravity, which is the continuity, also takes precedence over motion. For humans the moral and economic relationships generate the boundaries and natural inhibitors we gradually lose around the edges producing all kinds of social phenomena with a tendency to “snow ball”. When the sequence is broken things start losing their meaning.

Energy cannot point in any one direction permanently, as population grew the numbers changed but the basic parameters were determined by the original values system, the proportions that kept us living and multiplying within the laws of balance, allowing us to adjust the performance and get a better return through the use of technology and education. It evolved as part of an extreme specialization in cooperation and a man detached from specific food or energy sources. Certainty is displaced to collaboration to a degree that becomes more evident with population growth, generating the strain on the environment.

Finding new sources and allocating energy, calibrating, and restructuring are all part of the solutions; the answer causes a relaxation because stability was found, stimulating the motivation and the drive. The negation field has opened up the scope generating capacity and new possibilities. Exercising this condition and range of motion is necessary since we continue to adjust to the environmental demand, singularly and collectively. This also means the capacity can be enhanced and reduced by manipulating the demand, like the lungs and heart is the result of an adaptation that make us more efficient, but it is limited by structural parameters with an “idle” point for longevity. Huge muscles beyond a functional degree generate a disproportional demand causing multiple health problems including an enlarged heart, no balance and the tug of nature, at that point the return is diminished.


The difference is that for humans balancing the energy equation is mostly a social responsibility, and that we agglutinated around an intuitive values system, the connections, the cognitive and non-cognitive reactions, more or less localized for efficiency. Focusing becomes a matter of social recognition, preserving the spaces and integrity of the system, opening and closing, extending and retracting are more the result of a social DNA. Tradition and cultural legacy can become very specific but also readily available in evolutionary terms, which also means the implicit uncertainty of the flexibility (and fast reactions) that requires enrichment to reduce the error, we also know it as common sense.

Other systems combine extreme simplification of functions and uniformity to reduce friction, limiting the variables and the possibilities; the objectives and super-objective almost become one, the load is not shared necessarily equally and some individual are more expendable than others. In some cases not only are they genetically predispose to do a job, the numbers are also “measured”, which we lack precisely as a result of a much more complex society, they lack discretion.

We incorporate information faster, develop agriculture and technologies, find new sources of energy and manipulate natural cycles in order to keep up with the demands of growth. But success depends on integrity, if the right priorities are not driving the intentions the capacity can never find stability and slowly wastes away, the curve doesn’t adjust and the head never meets the tail, decadence sets in. We have control of our muscles and can exert ourselves with purpose, accelerate within critical mass parameters retaining a minimum degree of certainty.

The truth is we got some control over the accelerator with the enhanced social awareness as part of an evolutionary motivation that is the key to the ecological success, not for personal convenience. The algorithm is the universal allocator of resources and energy, which is why efficiency, health and balance are the same; is information taking its natural path. Understanding complicated relationships is part of internalizing time and a general performance, allowing us to find solutions to bigger obstacles with a special purpose anticipated by evolution in the values system, they are meant to work together and cannot be separated either. It makes the priorities match the energy imperative providing a range of motion that requires integrity, the right structure and measurements for a walking motion. But as we grow and the walking becomes more of a social responsibility the knowledge platforms play a bigger role, which also means that the social awareness and sensitivities have to develop proportionally as part of our social brain expansion.

There is always a tradeoff involved, which makes the universe move between precision and agglutination and life between function and growth, enrichment and simplification. When the performance is adjusted it reduces consumption and saves energy, but it requires minimum certainty parameters to begin with. As human population grows new conflicts arise; cultural differences and resources that are naturally scattered around the world are used to undermine the instinct to cooperate, which is replaced by competition. We get further away from the next junction and the recovery, a quantity with an energy-time ratio related to an absolute that produces a positive generalization.

Specialized structures produce the performance rationalizing the articulations society grows into and materializing a purpose in a rhythm, which become products with a negative coefficient and more questions than answers, inverted articulations where we become incongruent. Government and social institutions are supposed to transcend the culture, which cannot transcend itself, setting standards based on values that define the questions that remain to be answered and the reproof-negation process, preserving the integrity and a range of motion. The empiric generalizations that expressing basic assumptions generates uniformity and produces growth displacing the ambiguities. They generate time to deal with the uncertainty which expands the smaller the moment (or the longer the time elapsed).


Focus is the reason why we couldn’t live in isolated nation-cities today, and in truth why we require a minimum degree of certainty to enter into certain economic alliances, and even why most people would not be able to survive in complete isolation. The absolutes are always true and the problems get worst as long as we remain on the wrong track. The empiric moral negation is the recovery of time that depends on resources, not a magic bullet, is how we consume; population growth, cultural development, socioeconomic awareness and technological advances are all part of the same process, the trajectory with the potential to takes us to a higher level of cooperation among specialist, as we exercising the human condition and fill the promise of growth and ecological success. But certainty has been displaced by the dogmas and Globalization is preempting the natural process and taking us down a dead end path, where we are never ready to meet the demand of the moment and a different set of assumptions resonate throughout the environment.





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